Swiss trusts top performers among bio sector specialists in Feb

Swiss trusts top performers among bio sector specialists in Feb – Switzerland’s HBM Healthcare Investments (HBMN.S) and BB Biotech (BBB.S) were the best performing biotech/pharma specialist investment trusts in February and indeed were the only ones of the 13 monitored by Marten & Co to have recorded any increase in NAV (in sterling terms) in the month.  However, both trusts also saw a small falls in their share price over the same period, reflecting the sector and market-wide sell off of equities last month. This performance had been expected by based on an analysis published last month.

HBM notched up a 1.1% rise in NAV, while BB Biotech achieved a smaller 0.4% gain, for February. HBM’s good out-turn was achieved despite the poor performance of its largest investment, Vectura (6.3% of NAV, as of end January), which has seen a 20% fall in share price in the month. However, HBM – unlike its peers – has a short position on the Nasdaq biotechnology index, which will gain  if the index value falls, as indeed occurred over the month and this may have been a key factor in its performance.

Pharmaceuticals was, as would perhaps be expected, more resilient than biotech in February’s falling markets and five trusts with a focus on pharmaceutical and/or diversified healthcare stocks all beat the 2.3% decline in the Nasdaq biotechnology index, albeit with declines of 1-2% in terms of sterling-denominated NAV. The benchmark index itself for biotech fell as a result of some surprisingly large falls for major US biotechs in the period. These have included, in recent days, a major stock price fall for Celgene after the disclosure of a major regulatory snafu in the form of a refusal-to-file letter from the FDA for its high-profile multiple sclerosis drug ozanimod.

Among the six pure biotech investors, US-listed Tekla Life Sciences (HQL) was the only other one to have outperformed the index, while the UK’s International Biotechnology Trust (IBT), recorded a better relative performance that its nearest peer, Biotechnology Growth Trust (BIOG) as a result of its investment strategy that tends to have underweight positions in the large capitalisation US biotechs. The NAV and share price performance (total return) of the 13 biotech-specialist investment trusts monitored by Marten & Co, ranked by NAV return in February is shown in the table below.

Investment Trust % change, NAV
1-28 Feb
% change, price
1-28 Feb
HBM Healthcare 1.1 -2.3
BB Biotech 0.4 -0.5
BlackRock Health Sciences -0.8 0.7
Tekla Life Sciences -1.0 -0.7
Polar Capital Global Healthcare -1.5 -5.4
BB Healthcare -1.6 -5.8
Tekla Healthcare Investors -1.7 0.4
Worldwide Healthcare -1.8 -0.6
iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology  -2.2 -2.2
International Biotechnology -2.7 -4.6
Tekla Healthcare Opportunities -3.2 -1.6
Tekla World Healthcare -3.5 -0.9
Biotech Growth -4.0 -7.5
Woodford Patient Capital Trust -4.8 -9.2

Over the two-month YTD period, BB Biotech came out top with a 2.7% rise in NAV beating HBM to second place with Tekla Life Sciences third.  January saw a strong rise in Nasdaq Biotech Index although this was reversed in February. As above, the NAV and share price performance (total return) for the period from 1 January to 28 February is shown below.

Investment trust % change, NAV
1 Jan-28 Feb 
% change, price
1 Jan-28 Feb
BB Biotech AG 2.7 6.6
HBM Healthcare 0.7 4.9
Tekla Life Sciences 0.6 -1.7
iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology  -1.1 -1.2
BlackRock Health Sciences -1.2 -4.8
Polar Capital Global Healthcare -1.3 -5.4
International Biotechnology -1.5 -5.0
Tekla Healthcare Investors -1.6 -1.1
Worldwide Healthcare -1.8 -3.0
BB Healthcare -2.6 -6.2
Biotech Growth -3.4 -5.9
Tekla Healthcare Opportunities -4.0 -3.2
Tekla World Healthcare -4.5 -3.8
Woodford Patient Capital Trust -6.3 -10.6

BBH / BIOG / IBT / PCGH / WPCT / Swiss trusts top performers among bio sector specialists in Feb. Once again, Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) (whose portfolio is around 70% healthcare) saw the poorest performance in this group both in February and the YTD period. WPCT’s shares have also fallen by nearly 11% since 1 January, the largest decline of any of the specialist funds monitored here.

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