
QuotedData’s other news 16 August 2019

In QuotedData’s other news 16 August 2019:

  • Worldwide Healthcare Trust (WWH) has announced the appointment of Dr Bandhana (Bina) Rawal as an independent non-executive director, with effect from 1 November 2019. Dr Rawal, a physician with 25 years’ experience in life sciences research and development, has held senior executive roles in drug development and scientific evaluation in four global pharmaceutical companies. Dr Rawal will be a member of the audit committee, the nominations committee and the management engagement & remuneration committee on appointment.
  • Witan Investment Trust (WTAN) has also announced the appointment of a new non-executive director with Gabrielle Boyle set to take on the position from 16 August 2016. She is a senior fund manager and head of research at Troy Asset Management

We also have stories on a new investment by the unquoteds investor, Merian Chrysalis, an update on its future from CATCo Reinsurance Opportunities and half-year results from Princess Private Equity


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