
QuotedData’s morning briefing 29 June 2020

Gore Street Energy Storage Fund
  • Gore Street Energy Storage (GSF) announced that it had secured a further 131MW portfolio under exclusivity, including 81MW of cash generating operational assets. The operational assets, have an anticipated closing of mid-August, subject to the completion of due diligence. The 131MW portfolio of assets under exclusivity announced today is in addition to the 20MW London asset under construction announced on 22 June 2020 (click here to read more), leading to a combined total of 151MW currently under exclusivity and forms part of Gore Street’s 900MW pipeline. Alex O’Cinneide, CEO of Gore Street Capital, GSF’s managed, noted: “In addition to the recent announcement of the 50MW Ferrymuir acquisition, we are delighted to have secured exclusivity agreements for a further 131MW of attractive projects that will significantly add to the scale and diversity of the Gore Street portfolio.”
  • BBGI SICAV S.A. (BBGI) announced that Colin Maltby has decided to step down as chairman as of the board, with effect from 31 July. Sarah Whitney will assume the role of chair of the board with effect from that date.

We also have annual results from Miton UK MicroCap.

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