
The Bluffer’s Guide to Hydrogen

picture of a hard copy of the bluffer's guide to hydrogen
  • Do you know your blue hydrogen from your green hydrogen?
  • Did you know that there are over 1,000 clean hydrogen projects on the drawing board today?
  • Or that collectively 39 countries have allocated over $70bn of funding to hydrogen projects?
  • Did you know that before we had access to natural gas, 20% of the gas supplied in the UK was actually hydrogen?
  • Or that there are already six hydrogen-powered bus manufacturers in China?

Hydrogen is a key component of the push to tackle climate change and the pace of change is accelerating. HydrogenOne has produced a ‘Bluffer’s guide’ that sets the scene and maps out the investment opportunity in this sector.

you can read the full guide here

We have also written a note that seeks to explain how HydrogenOne is looking to support and profit from the switch to green hydrogen – you can read HydrogenOne – Funding a green revolution – here

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