
02 Dec 2015

Standard life UK Smallers – changes to DCM and fee arrangements

Standard Life UK Smaller Companies Trust, managed by Harry Nimmo (pictured), has announced some changes to its managaement fee and discount control policy. The company has agreed with the investment manager that, with effect from 1 January 2016, a tiered management fee will be introduced with the current fee of 0.85% continuing to apply to […]

27 Nov 2015

F&C Capital & Income grows dividend for 22nd consecutive year

F&C Capital and Income Trust, chaired by Steven Bates (pictured), has announced its final results for the 12-months ended 30 September 2015. During the year the company’s NAV and share price total returns were 3.5% and 3.1% respectively, beating the trusts benchmark index, the FTSE All-Share, which fell 2.3%. The dividend has also been increased for […]

27 Nov 2015

LMS proposes fourth tender to return up to $40m

LMS Capital has announced its intention to return up to £40m to shareholders through a tender offer and repurchase of up to 29.98% of the ordinary shares of the Company. The proposed tender offer is the fourth made since the approval of the Company’s realisation strategy in November 2011 and will, if approved, bring the […]

26 Nov 2015

European Investment Trust has a difficult year

The European Investment Trust, managed by Edinburgh Partners, has released its annual results for the year ended 30 September 2015. The board describe the period as a more challenging one for investing in European equities, during which, the NAV per share of the trust fell by 7.3% from 800.41p to 742.20p. After taking account of dividends […]

26 Nov 2015

Cayenne election results are in!

The Cayenne Trust has announced the results of its rollover elections. F&C Managed Portfolio Trust was the rollover vehicle offered. 2,4787,999 Cayenne shares have elected to rollover into F&C Managed Portfolio Income shares, 1,751,028 Cayenne shares have elected to rollover into F&C Managed Portfolio Growth shares, whilst 15,153,737 Cayenne shares have opted for the cash […]

26 Nov 2015

Troy Income and Growth benefits from cyclical underweights

Troy Income and Growth Trust has announced its annual results for the year ended 30 September 2015. During the period, the company provided an NAV total return of 11.2% and a share price total return of +11.7%. Both of these are noticeably ahead of the total return performance of the FTSE All-Share Index of -2.3%.  […]

26 Nov 2015

NextEnergy Solar sees half-year generation 6% ahead of budget

NextEnergy Solar Fund has announced its half year results for the six months to 30 September 2015. During the period, its net assets grew by 16.2% from £248.4m to £289.0m, reflecting a fund raising £38.8m, whilst NAV per share increased by 0.7% from 103.3p on 31 March 2015 to 104.0p. At the end of the […]

26 Nov 2015

Aberdeen Private Equity returns weakened by strong US exposure

Aberdeen Private Equity Fund, managed by Alexander Barr (pictured), has announced its interim results for the six-months ended 30 September 2015 during which the company’s NAV per share fell by 1.6% to 125.37p although, including the 2.2p dividend paid in September 2015, the Sterling NAV total return to shareholders was +0.2%. The company says that positive performance […]

26 Nov 2015

LondonMetric NAV growth driven development activity and yield compression

LondonMetric Property has announced its interim results for the half-year ended 30 September 2015. During the period, the company’s EPRA NAV has increased by 4.3% to 146.6p per share (31 March 2015: 140.6p). The company says that Valuation gains have been driven by development activity and market yield compression. During the period, EPRA earnings have […]