
02 Dec 2015

Bluefield Solar Income raises £31.62m of new capital

Bluefield Solar Income Fund has announced that, following its placing and offer for subscription, it has received commitments for 30,098,639 new ordinary shares under the placing and 901,361 new ordinary shares under the offer for subscription. As such, 31.0m new ordinary shares are to be issued at a price of 102p per share, raising gross […]

02 Dec 2015

Monks mild outperformance driven by a diverse range of stocks

Monks Investment Trust has announced its interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2015. Over the period, the company’s NAV lost 3.5% in total return terms, modestly outperforming the FTSE World Index which lost 4.3% (all in sterling terms). Reflecting a modest widening of the discount during the period, the share price total […]

02 Dec 2015

LondonMetric Property sells PC World in Hove for £13.6m

LondonMetric Property has announces that it has sold its PC World property in Hove to clients of Aberdeen Asset Management PLC for £13.6m, reflecting a net initial yield of 5.4%. LondonMetric acquired the asset for £8.1m and recently signed a new 15 year lease (with a break at 10 years) with PC World at a […]

02 Dec 2015

Renewable Energy Generation’s board recommends liquidation at 60p

Renewable Energy Generation has provided an update on the proposed sale of the Group’s Business to a fund managed by BlackRock, which values the company’s equity, before exit costs, at £64.5m. The board is recommending that shareholders approve the proposals related to the transaction and an EGM is being convened on 18 December 2015. If […]

02 Dec 2015

Standard life UK Smallers – changes to DCM and fee arrangements

Standard Life UK Smaller Companies Trust, managed by Harry Nimmo (pictured), has announced some changes to its managaement fee and discount control policy. The company has agreed with the investment manager that, with effect from 1 January 2016, a tiered management fee will be introduced with the current fee of 0.85% continuing to apply to […]

01 Dec 2015

BlueCrest All Blue looks set to wind up

BlueCrest Capital Management has announced that they intend to return all external money to investors and just manage their own. The implication of this is that BlueCrest AllBlue will follow BlueCrest BlueTrend into liquidation. The full text of their announcement is given below: The Company has today received a notification from BlueCrest Capital Management Limited […]

01 Dec 2015

Generating returns in volatile times

Stock market ups and downs can worry investors and can create a barrier to investing by causing an increased fear of poor performance. Given this natural state of mind, it is useful for investors to revisit strategies that can be used to provide extra protection in uncertain times. See more at

01 Dec 2015

Amedeo Air Four buys another A380

As anticipated in Amedeo Air Four’s Prospectus from April 2015, Amedeo Air Four Plus Limited, via its wholly-owned subsidiary AA4P Delta Limited, has bought, directly from Airbus, one A380 aircraft bearing manufacturer’s serial number 201. The deal was completed on 30 November at a net cost to the company of $275,000,000.  In accordance with the investment […]

30 Nov 2015

SVM UK Emerging outperforms

Over the six months ended 30 September 2015, SVM UK Emerging delivered a total return of 6.0%, outperforming the IA UK All Companies sector average (its benchmark) which returned -5.0%. the return to shareholders was 2.5%. The statement says there were positive contributions over the period from retailers, Supergroup and Ted Baker.  Marketing group, Four […]

30 Nov 2015

Keystone profits from tobacco exposure

Keystone Investment Trust has published its accounts for the year ended 30 September 2015. On a total return basis (i.e. including income), the FTSE All-Share Index returned -2.3% over the year. Keystone however managed a return on net assets of 6.4% and a return to shareholders of 7.3%. The base dividend was increased slightly from […]

30 Nov 2015

Nimrod Sea Assets plans capital return

Nimrod Sea Assets has published interim accounts covering the six months ended 30 September 2015. From 24 March 2014 (the date the Company listed on the SFM) to 30 September 2015, Nimrod Sea Assets invested 54% of available funds. They say the NAV at the end of September was 68.96 cents per share. The Board has […]

30 Nov 2015

Sequoia Economic Infrastructure on track to meet dividend targets

Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Fund has published its first set of figures, covering the period from its incorporation up until the end of September 2015. By the end of September, 82.8% of the initial IPO proceeds had been invested in 24 assets, they had a paid a 1p dividend, the portfolio had a yield to maturity […]

30 Nov 2015

Hg Capital takes stake in EidosMedia

HgCapital, the Manager of HgCapital Trust plc, has announced it will has taken a majority stake in EidosMedia, a leading global provider of digital publishing solutions. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed. HgCapital Trust plc will invest in EidosMedia, headquartered in Milan, alongside other institutional clients of HgCapital, who will participate through the HgCapital 7 Fund.  […]

30 Nov 2015

Investors Capital reports modest outperformance

Investors Capital half hear results for the period ended 30 September 2015 show an NAV total return of -6.1%, modestly better than the -7.0% return posted by the FTSE All-Share Capped 5% Index. The interim dividend was increased by 2.7% and the plan is to pay dividends totalling 4.6p for the year ended 31 March 2016. […]

27 Nov 2015

Invesco Income Growth outperforms in first half

Invesco Income Growth’s interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2015 show the fund outperforming the FTSE All-Share index, returning -3.5% on net assets against -7.2% for the index. The return to shareholders was -5.0%. the first two quarterly dividends total 4.3p, up from 4.2p for the equivalent period last year. Ciaran Mallon’s […]

27 Nov 2015

RAB Special Situations – potential move to realisation mode

RAB Special Situations has given notice of an EGM to be held on 17 December 2015 at which shareholders are to be given the opportunity to decide whether the company should continue as an investment company. Based on discussions with major shareholders, the board believe this resolution will not pass and, assuming it doesn’t, shareholders […]

27 Nov 2015

F&C Capital & Income grows dividend for 22nd consecutive year

F&C Capital and Income Trust, chaired by Steven Bates (pictured), has announced its final results for the 12-months ended 30 September 2015. During the year the company’s NAV and share price total returns were 3.5% and 3.1% respectively, beating the trusts benchmark index, the FTSE All-Share, which fell 2.3%. The dividend has also been increased for […]

27 Nov 2015

LMS proposes fourth tender to return up to $40m

LMS Capital has announced its intention to return up to £40m to shareholders through a tender offer and repurchase of up to 29.98% of the ordinary shares of the Company. The proposed tender offer is the fourth made since the approval of the Company’s realisation strategy in November 2011 and will, if approved, bring the […]

27 Nov 2015

Baring Emerging outperforms falling markets

The year to the end of September 2015 was a tough one for emerging European markets. Baring Emerging Europe saw its net asset value fall by 20.5% and its share price fall by 17.6% over this period but this was better than their benchmark index, the MSCI EM Europe 10/40 Index which fell by 23.0%. […]

27 Nov 2015

Jupiter Green interims in-line with global small cap index

Jupiter Green’s interim report, covering the six month ended 30 September 2015, shows the fund’s net asset value falling by 10.8% on a total return basis and a share price return of -11.5%. These figures compare to a -10.9% return on the MSCI World Small Cap Index. The manager’s report says “The Company lost ground, […]

27 Nov 2015

Pacific Alliance China Land agrees Wal-Mart deal

Pacific Alliance China Land has announced that its jv partner, China Resources, has agreed with Wal-Mart China Holdings that it will sell Wal-Mart the remainder of its interest in Project Malls for RMB248m (US$38.9m). 50% of the consideration will be released to China Resources from escrow with the state owned exchange within 10 business days after […]

27 Nov 2015

Lindsell Train warns on dangers of very high premium

Lindsell Train Investment Trust’s interim report, covering the six months to the end of September 2015, shows the fund moving to a significant premium. Today this is 34%. The Chairman’s statement reiterates previous warnings to new investors of the dangers of buying stock at very high premiums. The net asset value just about beat the benchmark – […]

26 Nov 2015

European Investment Trust has a difficult year

The European Investment Trust, managed by Edinburgh Partners, has released its annual results for the year ended 30 September 2015. The board describe the period as a more challenging one for investing in European equities, during which, the NAV per share of the trust fell by 7.3% from 800.41p to 742.20p. After taking account of dividends […]

26 Nov 2015

Cayenne election results are in!

The Cayenne Trust has announced the results of its rollover elections. F&C Managed Portfolio Trust was the rollover vehicle offered. 2,4787,999 Cayenne shares have elected to rollover into F&C Managed Portfolio Income shares, 1,751,028 Cayenne shares have elected to rollover into F&C Managed Portfolio Growth shares, whilst 15,153,737 Cayenne shares have opted for the cash […]

26 Nov 2015

Troy Income and Growth benefits from cyclical underweights

Troy Income and Growth Trust has announced its annual results for the year ended 30 September 2015. During the period, the company provided an NAV total return of 11.2% and a share price total return of +11.7%. Both of these are noticeably ahead of the total return performance of the FTSE All-Share Index of -2.3%.  […]

26 Nov 2015

NextEnergy Solar sees half-year generation 6% ahead of budget

NextEnergy Solar Fund has announced its half year results for the six months to 30 September 2015. During the period, its net assets grew by 16.2% from £248.4m to £289.0m, reflecting a fund raising £38.8m, whilst NAV per share increased by 0.7% from 103.3p on 31 March 2015 to 104.0p. At the end of the […]

26 Nov 2015

Aberdeen Private Equity returns weakened by strong US exposure

Aberdeen Private Equity Fund, managed by Alexander Barr (pictured), has announced its interim results for the six-months ended 30 September 2015 during which the company’s NAV per share fell by 1.6% to 125.37p although, including the 2.2p dividend paid in September 2015, the Sterling NAV total return to shareholders was +0.2%. The company says that positive performance […]

26 Nov 2015

LondonMetric NAV growth driven development activity and yield compression

LondonMetric Property has announced its interim results for the half-year ended 30 September 2015. During the period, the company’s EPRA NAV has increased by 4.3% to 146.6p per share (31 March 2015: 140.6p). The company says that Valuation gains have been driven by development activity and market yield compression. During the period, EPRA earnings have […]

26 Nov 2015

Worldwide Healthcare hit by sector sell off

Worldwide Healthcare has published interim results covering the six months to the end of September 2015. Over this period the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors experienced a sell off as US politicians waded into price gouging allegations at some forms. Worldwide Healthcare’s benchmark index (MSCI World Health Care Index) fell by 9.7%. the total return on net […]

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