QD In The News

10 Jun 2016

Biotech And Healthcare Funds Enjoyed Small Rally In May – QuotedData

LONDON (Alliance News) – British & American Investment Trust PLC, Biotech Growth Trust PLC, and International Biotechnology Trust PLC were among the best-performing London-listed investment companies in May, according to research firm QuotedData, which said there was a “small rally” in the biotech and healthcare sector that month. You can read the rest of the […]

09 Jun 2016

Funds versus trusts: what do they cost?

Investment companies were put on a more equal footing with open-ended funds following implementation of the Retail Distribution Review (RDR) in 2013, which phased out commission paid by fund groups to financial advisers for product purchases. Historically, it had been less attractive for financial advisers to recommend investment trusts because they did not pay commission […]

03 Jun 2016

PA ANALYSIS: A lot at stake in ‘unsurprising’ RIT/Alliance bid

That there was a bid for Alliance Trust announced on Tuesday was a lot less surprising for many commentators than that it was the Rothschild Investment Trust contemplating the offer. See more here

10 May 2016

Revealed: The investment trust winners and laggards in April

The recent recovery in the mining sector extended into April, with commodity trusts among the best performers for the month, according to QuotedData’s latest report. http://www.investmentweek.co.uk

28 Apr 2016
25 Apr 2016

Property and infrastructure trusts see inflows in Q1

Volatility has meant that no investment trusts were launched over the first quarter of this year, while money that was raised was focused around property and infrastructure trusts, according to QuotedData. See more at: http://www.portfolio-adviser.com/news/1028797/property-infrastructure-trusts-inflows-q1#sthash.uWHsqkEA.dpuf

21 Apr 2016
18 Apr 2016
31 Mar 2016

Gold bullion is rising and shares in gold miners have powered ahead too. Are mining stocks the shining investment of 2016?

http://www.cityam.com/237716/gold-bullion-is-rising-and-shares-in-gold-miners-have-powered-ahead-too-are-mining-stocks-the-shining-investment-of-2016 Gold bullion is rising and shares in gold miners have powered ahead too. Are mining stocks the shining investment of 2016? Gold bullion has been among the best-performing investments so far this year, as prices rose 18 per cent from the start of January up to mid-March. Since gold’s low of $1,050 an ounce in […]

16 Mar 2016

Investors nursing losses from star backed peer-to-peer trusts

Investors seeking returns from peer-to-peer lending have been subjected to big swings in share prices since the turn of the year. Peer-to-peer investment trusts have moved from large premiums to discounts as uncertainty has hit the still developing sector. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/investing/funds/investors-nursing-losses-from-star-backed-peer-to-peer-trusts/