
24 May 2023
a coffee pot and a mug, good morning from QuotedData

QuotedData’s morning briefing 24 May 2023

In QuotedData’s morning briefing 24 May 2023: Weiss Korea Opportunities Fund (WKOF) has announced that, due to the very limited number of elections received for the realisation opportunity (the results of which were announced on 10 May 2023), all of the realisation shares will be compulsory redeemed utilising WKOF’s existing cash reserves. The redemption price […]

05 May 2023

QD view – Spreading your bets – asset allocating for uncertain times

For the second time in five years, investors are finding themselves in the grips of a global bear market that has punished most asset classes. The reasons underpinning the latest bout of selling have been well covered by market commentators, with QuotedData being no exception. Alongside this, many column inches have also been devoted to […]

28 Apr 2023

Boussard & Gavaudan reports on mixed performance in 2022

Boussard & Gavaudan Holding (BGHL/BGHS) has published its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2022. During the year, BGHL’s NAV for the euro and sterling shares decreased by 4.90% and 3.47%, respectively, while the associated market prices decreased by 4.72% for the euro shares and increased by 5.26% for the sterling shares. As […]

28 Apr 2023

VPC Specialty Lending benefits from resilient credit performance

VPC Specialty Lending (VSL) has released its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2022. During the period, VSL’s NAV per share decreased by 6.97% on a total return basis, comprising a NAV per share reduction from 114.14p to 98.19p, plus the 8.00p of dividends paid in 2022, while the share price fell from […]

28 Apr 2023

Blackstone Loan Financing plans 2024 continuation vote if discount persists

Blackstone Loan Financing (BGLF) has released its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2022. Key takeaways are that while performance was supported by robust distributions, the discount to NAV remains wide and the board launched a shareholder consultation in January to look at this. Conclusions were announced in March and steps will now […]

28 Apr 2023

Marwyn Value Investors modest outperformance overshadowed by discount widening

Marwyn Value Investors (MVI) has published its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2022. Unfortunately, the announcement doesn’t provide much in the way of detail as to how MVI generated its returns over the year, so we can’t comment on that here, but it says that, for its ordinary shares, it generated an […]

28 Apr 2023

Life Settlement Assets’ board mulling options to reduce the discount

Life Settlement Assets (LSAA) has announced its results for the year ended 31 December 2022. LSAA’s Board says that, now the MBC litigation is complete, it is actively considering further options to reduce this discount, which will be communicated to Shareholders in due course. Key highlights from the results are as follows: Finalisation of MBC […]

21 Apr 2023

Aurora reports on a difficult year

Aurora Investment Trust (ARR) has announced its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2022. During what was a difficult year in global markets, ARR provided an NAV total return of -17.4% (2021: +17.1%) and the share price total return was -16.3% (2021: +13.5%). ARR says that, in comparison, its benchmark All-Share Index provided […]

21 Apr 2023

HydrogenOne Capital Growth’s Cranfield Aerospace Solutions to merge with Britten-Norman

HydrogenOne Capital Growth (HGEN) has announced that it and its co-investors have signed a Heads of Terms agreement, signaling their intention to merge Cranfield Aerospace Solutions Limited (CAeS) with Britten-Normen and to create the world’s first fully integrated, zero-emissions sub regional aircraft for entry into service in 2026. HGEN describes this as an industry first […]