QuotedData’s economic round up – December 2017 – is a collation of recent insights on markets and economies taken from the comments made by chairmen and investment managers of investment companies – have a read and make your own minds up. Please remember that nothing in this note is designed to encourage you to buy or sell any of the companies mentioned. Kindly sponsored by Martin Currie

December Economic and Political Roundup

A collation of recent insights on markets and economies taken from the comments made by chairmen and investment managers of investment companies – have a read and make your own minds up. Please remember that nothing in this note is designed to encourage you to buy or sell any of the companies mentioned.


Sterling strengthened a little in November, or perhaps it might be more accurate to say that the US dollar weakened. The UK stock market fell a little over the month while most other markets climbed, notably Japan extended its post-election rally. Oil was up.


As equity markets continue their climb, the reaction ranges from sanguine to extreme concern.

Christopher Jonas, chairman of Henderson International Income, stresses that global economic cycles are not synchronised. Fiona McBain, chairman of Scottish Mortgage notes markets’ ability to shrug off geopolitical events. Rachel Beagles, chairman of Securities Trust of Scotland thinks the sustainability of the current market rally is dependent on corporate earnings growth. Sebastian Lyon, manager of Personal Assets, is convinced that equities are too expensive and is waiting for a correction before investing.