QuotedData – 2017 review of the year – Many commentators, including us, were wary going into 2017. In the event, economic growth and markets surprised on the upside:

  •  US markets hit new highs despite three interest rate rises.
  •  Perceived low/no growth areas such as Europe and Japan burst into life.
  •  Asia’s technology stocks surged.
  •  India’s stock market soared despite tax reforms holding back its economy.
  •  Even in the UK, where overseas investors are still eyeing Brexit nervously, smaller companies rebounded from their post-referendum blues.
  •  The pound strengthened against the US dollar but was flat against the euro.
  •  The oil price rose, reflecting global economic growth and geopolitics.

Those commentators who were cautious going into 2017 are more nervous now but there are some who think markets will continue to climb as long as companies’ earnings continue to grow.

At QuotedData, we published notes on 24 investment companies in 2017 as well as our regular monthly and quarterly publications. We plan to expand our coverage further in 2018. We have also updated last year’s well received Independent Guide to Investment Companies. This will be distributed even more widely in 2018, helping to build awareness and understanding of investment companies amongst savers.

Regular visitors to our website will have noticed that we are stepping up coverage of biotechnology and healthcare companies. Our new biotech team is helping to inform our coverage of investment companies focused on this area. As our analyst team expands this is a trend that you can expect to see extended to other sectors.